Blogging Questions

Having been in the blogging world for a long time there are certain questions that come to mind from time to time?

1) Is the blog legitimate? (It’s a much tougher question to answer today.)

2) What does this person look and sound like? Are the pictures real?

3) Will WordPress ever make the “gremlins go away? ( I suspect not)

4) What is the motive behind the blogger?

5) Will all of us stop making grammar mistakes?

6) Will people ever stop worrying about clicks and views?

7) Will people stop to realize it can take a very long time to build a following?

I am sure many of you can add to this partial list. These are just a few to ponder.

Agree to Disagree

There was a time in which it was ok to agree to disagree but not anymore by most people.

If you pay any attention to the cultural dialog these days the things people refer to each other are appalling, to say the least.

In many situations if you disagree with people you are called Hitler, a racist, etc. Of course, many people when they use those words have no idea what the real meaning of the words. They just toss them around like a salad and let things fall where they may. These kinds of words are used so often that they have lost all of their effectivness.

Like the late Rodney King said “Why Can’t We All Just Get Along?”

The sad part is as long as those kinds of words are used without impunity then as a culture that is not possible.