Blogging Questions

Having been in the blogging world for a long time there are certain questions that come to mind from time to time?

1) Is the blog legitimate? (It’s a much tougher question to answer today.)

2) What does this person look and sound like? Are the pictures real?

3) Will WordPress ever make the “gremlins go away? ( I suspect not)

4) What is the motive behind the blogger?

5) Will all of us stop making grammar mistakes?

6) Will people ever stop worrying about clicks and views?

7) Will people stop to realize it can take a very long time to build a following?

I am sure many of you can add to this partial list. These are just a few to ponder.

Home Repairs and Women

Ladies, I am sure many of you have been full of frustration when going to a home improvement store.

The 2 major ones are Lowe’s and Home Depot must have classes that teach whenever a woman walks in she has a flashing neon sign that reads.

She is stupid and we can take advantage of her and the sooner the better. Having been doing maintenance work for years I have been frustrated by the way so many women have been treated.

So when it comes to doing your home maintenance repairs most of those you can do yourself.

Let me make this clear under no circumstances that I recommend that you get into your circuit breaker box. Those are to be done by professionals. Electricity is to be respected at all times.

That being said there is no reason you can’t do things like rewiring light fixtures and the like because most of those are 2 simple wires. One black and one white.

If you are going to a home improvement store take the part that you need fixed.

You must remember that most employees at these types of stores are limited in their knowledge. Keep in mind that when those classes are offered they want you to but their stuff.

A good resource can be YouTube Videos. I use them from time to time.

Baby Boomers Stuff

As one of those who are a part of the baby boomer generation many of us have one thing in common.

We have a house full of stuff and we have no idea what to do with all of it? We realize at somepoint it will all end up in a landfill but what about in the meantime?

With the change in culture the last 30 years ago or things that were pratical back then simply aren’t anymore.

One of the things that has changed that in many cases famalies have become so spread out. I know I said to my mother that I was not going to haul her stuff several hundred miles to do something with it all.

There are ways ro get rid if some of it with donations and the like but when it comes to things like dinning room tables it is a quandry as to what to do with them. That in ways is a sad commentary on our culture. Very few famalies use them anymore.

So baby bomers out there good luck with getting rid if all your stuff because there is no easy solution.

Tomorrow Is Today

We have all said to ourselves ” I will do that tomorrow” although we all know that is a fallacy because tomorrow never comes.

So why do we say such things to ourselves? It can be many things such as fatigue or just not wanting to have to deal with something unpleasant. I know I am guilty of doing the same thing.

So if you are putting something off that you need to do to face it then you can put that in the rearview mirror in your life.

Who Are You?

As we go through life often people ask who you are and you go on to explain that you work, you are a mother, father, brother, sister etc.

Which of course does not answer the question that I want you to ask yourself this morning.

Who are you and try and be honest with yourself which is often the most difficult person to convince. Very often the problem is that we are not the person we want to become so that makes the question more difficult.

So, who are you?